To see other televised weekly economic segments, please visit the Publications/Media tab.
Our Mission: To enhance economic opportunities with data-driven strategies that inform community and workforce development initiatives.
To see other televised weekly economic segments, please visit the Publications/Media tab.
Our Mission: To enhance economic opportunities with data-driven strategies that inform community and workforce development initiatives.
Using rigorously-sourced, unbiased data, DDES focuses upon…
Develop and maintain local Economic Progress Reports (EPRs) so communities have an accurate pulse on key metrics that track economic and workforce development
Communicate data to the broader community to inform government, businesses, and citizens about the local economy
Provide technical assistance with how to use the local economic data to help grow the regional economy
Provide technical assistance to educational institutions on how to use labor market data to enhance training/education for all populations including lower-income and lower labor participation groups
Engage the community in workforce development initiatives to increase the participation in programs that align labor supply and labor demand