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Our Mission: To enhance economic opportunities with data-driven strategies that inform community and workforce development initiatives.

Using rigorously-sourced, unbiased data, DDES focuses upon…

Providing Economic Progress Reports

Develop and maintain local Economic Progress Reports (EPRs) so communities have an accurate pulse on key metrics that track economic and workforce development

Data Communication

Communicate data to the broader community to inform government, businesses, and citizens about the local economy

Economic Data Assistance

Provide technical assistance with how to use the local economic data to help grow the regional economy

Labor Market Data Assistance

Provide technical assistance to educational institutions on how to use labor market data to enhance training/education for all populations including lower-income and lower labor participation groups

Communicate Workforce Initiatives

Engage the community in workforce development initiatives to increase the participation in programs that align labor supply and labor demand

Benefits to the Community:

  • Government

    • DDES helps meet economic and workforce development goals through the provision of tailored Economic Progress Reports (EPRs).
    • DDES data assists in informing job creation with real time labor market data (esp. with livable wages – most high demand jobs have livable wages).
    • DDES enables organic business growth by increasing the local talent pipeline.
    • Collaboration with government informs other initiatives around housing affordability, economic impact of sectors, taxation policies, livable wages, city annexations and other key economic drivers.
  • Business (Strategic Planning)

    • Businesses can track and understand key national, state and local metrics to inform their business decisions through the tailored Economic Progress Reports (EPRs).
    • Businesses can benefit from a community that monitors and evaluates its own economic performance.
    • Businesses have access to timely and customized economic presentations (for DDES supporters).
  • Business (Building Workforce)

    • Businesses can obtain local labor market data including information about training/education programs they can access for their workers (incumbent training).
    • DDES acts as a liaison with post-secondary education/training (PSE) so businesses can focus on their core mission.
    • Businesses can give input on workforce shortcomings and actively address changes with DDES and partner organizations.
  • Higher Education/Training

    • DDES data and initiatives ensure that education/training programs are aligned with local business needs.
    • Education/training institutions can obtain data and expert assistance in terms of optimal programming.
    • DDES acts as a liaison between higher education and private business.
  • Students/Youth/School

    • Students and families can obtain data on real-time, local labor market demand, associated wages, and training requirements.
    • Schools have an externally-funded champion and disseminator of workforce-relevant data so students and families can make informed career decisions.
    • Students and families can understand future occupational demand to inform career pathways.
  • Community at Large

    • DDES raises community awareness around local economic performance through monthly Economic Progress Reports (EPRs).
    • Through programmatic and organization evaluation, DDES helps increase the accountability of community-serving entities.
    • Data and initiatives increase labor participation and thus, economic growth potential.
    • Data and initiatives increase critical ties between education/training institutions, business and government.
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